This modern-day story is about a Native American teenage boy named Junior Spirit, who lives on an indian reservation in Washington. Alcohol plays a major part in this boy's life. It controls and ends many people's lives where he lives. There isn't much money, either. So the schools aren't very nice. What starts Junior's little adventure is when, on the first day of high school, Junior notices that the school is so old and run-down, he has to use the same book his mom used. This gets him feeling angry and unimportant. So, in his frustration, he throws the book at his teacher. Later, Junior's teacher gives him some advise. He tells Junior he should leave the reservation to have a better life, somewhere nicer. So, as a start, he transfers to a nicer school, a school where he gets a better education. There he is happier. But his home is still depressing. Many people on the reservation think of him as a traitor for going to school with white people. Even his best friend Rowdy ignores and is mean to him. This is the story of how Junior finds hope in his new school while trying to face the problems at home.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a good book. I enjoyed this book for many reasons, partly because I love reading diarys. But also because the characters had real-life problems (such as food disorders and drinking addictions) which made the story more realistic.
What I didn't like about this book was...
-How it ended. From what I remember, the end didn't seem to wrap itself up, like how I'd hoped it would.
-Some people might not like that it doesn't have an obvious conflict.
I strongly suggest this book to people who are interested in Native American Reservation culture, like reading diaries, or just need a good book to read. And I'd give it a three-and-a-half star rating.
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