Fragrant Water-Lily, White Pond-Lily
Flowers smell sweet, are white to pink-ish, and they open at dawn and close at dusk.
Leaves look like giant green pack-mans on the water because they are flat, notched at the base, and float.
Where found...
Found in ponds, marshes, lake edges, slow waters.
Native to Eastern North America, introduced to all western states except Idaho, Wyoming, and New Mexico.
Root tea good for:
Mouth sores, sore throat, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, bronchitis, urinary tract irritations, vaginal yeast infections. May be used as an eye wash or to diminish men's libido. Good for cancer.
Root and leaf poultices are good for:
Sores, boils, tumors, and rashes.
Chew stems for toothaches.