Out hiking, our friends came upon some strange looking mushrooms. They took a sample of one of them back to our cabin. We all took a good look at it, and our parents identified it in a book: "It is called Orange Peel fungus," they said. Then they lost interest. But after a while, I figured out from looking in a book that this mushroom is edible! So I took my friends out to try and find the spot where they found it. It appears on the side of the trail, like our book said it would. We get down on our knees, mentally and verbally checking off signs that says it is Orange Peel fungus, with the book, to make sure. Finally we were absolutely positively sure that it was, so we put most of it in a basket and took in home, yelling, "WE FOUND MORE MUSHROOMS!"
Orange Peel fungus is bright orange, paler on the underside, growing completely or almost completely flat on the ground with no stalk or barely any. Edges are sometimes wavy. It is edible.